Welcome to

Glenmead Primary School

Y6 Transition to Secondary School


Moving on to a new setting can be a tricky time for many pupils, so we like to prepare our children as well as possible. It helps them to understand what to expect and supports them in feeling less anxious about what lies ahead. 


The pupils at Glenmead move on to a wide variety of settings and may be going to a secondary school that is different to their friends. Rest assured, we share a lot of detailed information about your child with their new school. 


Most of the secondary schools that our pupils move on to organise open evenings for families to make visits before they make choices about which secondary school they prefer. Details about open days and evenings can be sought from the secondary schools themselves. Each setting makes their own arrangements.  


Visiting the website of destination schools can give you an idea about whether a school will meet your child's needs. It is a good source of information. Not all of these schools fall under Birmingham City Council and are in a different local authority with different admission arrangements. Click on the link for some of our destination schools below. 

Barr Beacon

Fortis Academy

Arena Academy

Cardinal Wiseman

Streetly Academy

John Willmott

St John Wall

King Edwards V1

Nishkam High School

Hamstead Hall

Edmund Campion

Aldridge School

Joseph Leckie Academy

Bishop Vesey's Grammar School

George Dixon Academy


How to apply for a secondary school place in Birmingham 

Please bear in mind, schools outside Birmingham Local Authority have their own admission arrangements. 

