Parent Governors | Local Authority Governor | Staff Governors |
Mrs Laura Conway | Mr Brendan Hilton (Chair) | Mrs Lorraine Rudd |
Appointed: 01.04.2022 | Appointed: 15.02.2022 | Appointed: 04.09.2024 |
End: 31.03.2026 | End: 14.02.2026 | End: 03.09.2028 |
Committees: Finance & Resources, Pay | Committees: Teaching & Learning, Finance & Resources, Pay | Committee: Teaching & Learning |
Co-Opted Governors | ||
Mrs Helen Devey | Ms Hilary Allan | |
Appointed: 25.10.2024 | Mrs Katie Platts (Vice Chair) | Appointed: 03.09.2008 |
End: 24.10.2028 | Appointed: 15.02.2022 | Ex-Officio |
Committees: Teaching and Learning | End: 14.02.2026 | All committees |
Committees: Teaching & Learning, Finance & Resources, Disciplinary, HT Appraisal |
Mr Ben Unsworth | Associates to Governing Body | |
Appointed: 14.11.2024 | ||
End: 13.11.2028 | Mrs Louise Spencer (Deputy Headteacher) | |
Committees: Finance and Resources |
Appointed: 15.01.2022 |
End: 14.01.2026 |
Ms Sophia Kapchia (SEND Governor) | Committees: Teaching & learning, Finance & Resources | |
Appointed: 23.09.2021 | ||
End: 22.09.2025 | Mrs Sophia Begum | |
Committees: Teaching & Learning | Appointed: 14.11.2024 | |
End: 13. 11.2028 | ||
Mr Thomas Hamilton | Committees: Teaching & Learning | |
Appointed: 26.04.2023 | ||
End: 25.04.2027 | Ms Sharon Wells (School Business Manager) | |
Committees: Finance & Resources (Chair), Pay, Disciplinary, HT Appraisal | Appointed: 01.09.2022 | |
End: 31.08.2026 | ||
Mrs Helen Land (Safeguarding Governor) | Committees: Finance & Resources | |
Appointed: 12.07.2023 | ||
End: 11.07.2027 | ||
Committees: Teaching & Learning | ||
Register of Business Interests Autumn 2023
Governors have an important role as a 'Critical Friend' to the school, working in partnership with the school community to help provide the best possible education for our pupils. This is achieved by:
Types of Governor
The responsibilities of the Governing Body are shared between three committees, each with a specific responsibility. Our Finance and Personnel Committee oversees the budget and staffing, our Teaching and Learning Committee monitors safeguarding, curriculum provision, attainment and achievement of all pupils and provision made for groups such as SEND, Gifted and Talented, etc. Our Premises Committee oversees the health and safety, the school buildings, statutory testing and resources.
Further smaller sub committees convene to address such matters as Head Teacher's Performance Management, Staff Pay Reviews which are conducted annually and, should the need arise, Discipline and Grievance.
Link Governors
Link Governors are those who have been assigned to a specific focus of school life. There are Link Governors assigned to areas of the curriculum; Literacy, Numeracy and SEN. The role of the Link Governor is: