I spent quite a proportion of my day in Sunflowers today. I had a lovely time supporting learning in the doodle den. The children’s writing is really coming on. I also was asked to share a couple of stories with Phoebe and Ezra. It was a breath of fresh air after spending the rest of my week on action plans and data reports. A lovely way to finish the week.
We’ve had a flurry of in-year admissions this week with a few children joining the Glenmead family after the Christmas holidays. They are most welcome and I feel sure they will soon feel at home.
Unsettling News:
A couple of families had commented on a strange character hanging about by the Drake’s Drum during the school day on Tuesday of this week. They were concerned about some of our older children walking home on their own.
I contacted PC Manns,, our community bobby. He has requested patrols around our school to keep an eye on things. Everyone being vigilant for the children is always a good idea.
Stars of the Week: We had a real focus on celebrating self and recognising our own character strengths this week. This is part of our My Happy Mind mental health approach that all the children do across the school. We had some lovely nominees and congratulations go to: Lewis, Ella, Hughie, Brandon, Charlotte, Shafay, and Zoe, who stood out to their teachers this week.
Our thanks to Year 5 for composing and leading prayers today in assembly: Layla, Sofia and Alayna.
Mrs Moore is busy boosting children’s phonics progress by encouraging them to use Lexia, one of our learning platforms. Well done to our Lexia Superstars: Jaxson, Logan, Sakithu, Lewis-Jae and M’d Abdur. They have all levelled up!
Sports Personalities: nominations are for perseverance as well as high achievement in physical education in school. Congratulations to Shiloh, Enzo, Jacob, Tandre, M’d Musa, Theo, Luca, and Harper.
Well done to Dexter who has achieved his 10m swimming badge. Ronnie was our Super Skipper this week and Mia Grace brought in her Dancer of the week certificate to share with the school. She is a student of Dance 22 who have their classes in our school in the evenings and weekends.
Adult Mental Health and Support:
Our friends at Perry Beeches Baptist Church, along Beeches Road, not only host their own food bank, but also run a community café. Adults can pop in for a cuppa and a chat. This kind of support can be a great source of emotional help if you are isolated or things are getting on top of you.
Mental Health support is in short supply, but there are organisations across the city providing help when it is needed. The Waiting Room is a directory of support services available to all Birmingham residents: Find it on this link: https://the-waitingroom.org/ and get the support you need.
Do you read with the children at home?
We know that practice makes perfect, so I am hopeful that you all understand the important of listening to the children read and appreciate the joy of sharing a book or two at bed time.
When a book comes home from school, please send it back into school in good condition. It costs a lot of money to replace the reading scheme books (they are £5 each) and we can’t afford to keep replacing them. We appreciate your support, as always.
Attendance Recognition:
Everyone should be giving themselves a pat on the back for improved attendance since the beginning of term. Attendance is close to 96% so for. That’s great by anybody’s measure.
5M have pulled out 100% attendance this week and won the junior attendance cup for the most improved attendance compared to last week. A great cheer went up in the hall and they were thrilled to win it. 2M won it for the infants – with an improvement of close to 3% compared to last week. Congratulations to them also.
House Points:
Falcons are rather running away in the house points stakes. The other houses should try their very best to catch them up. Here are the latest totals.
4th |
Hawks (green) |
1375 |
3rd |
Eagles (yellow) |
1575 |
2nd |
Kestrels (blue) |
1600 |
1st |
Falcons (red) |
1900 |
Dates for your diary:
· March 12th and 14th spring term parents’ evenings
· 11th April – Teacher Day
· 2nd May – Teacher Day
· 20th June - Reception Induction Day
· 21st July - Teacher Day
If you need to reach us, have a concern or need help of some kind, catch one of the senior leaders on the gate, contact the team via Class Dojo message, give the pastoral team a ring, or email to enquiry@glenmead.bham.sch.uk. We are always here to support our families.